Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just a normal day through someone else's eyes

So when the Home Depot deliverymen come in to deliver the washer I'm (1) wearing a dress (because most of my "regular clothes" are dirty after not having a washing machine for a week), (2) baking a chocolate layer cake (because Jack's birthday is in two days), (3) have bread rising on the counter (because I'm too lazy to go to the store to buy any) and, (4) the kids are watching "Leave it to Beaver" (because it's raining and they like it). I've been caught in a Donna Reed moment.

I laugh a little when they leave, but it makes me wonder how many times I've made a snap judgement on someone else when I've only caught a quick snapshot of their life.  Have I been irritated by someone's bad-dream-induced-lack-of-sleep, jealous of someone's one perfect moment in a month, taken offense at an off the cuff comment and then refused to let that moment go?

Brandon Heath's song "Give Me Your Eyes" http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=DL6Z7LNX needs to be more than just a song that I like, it needs to be the way I live my life. Perhaps if I could see the lives of those around me through the eyes of Him who created and loves them I would offer more compassion.  After all, maybe next time I won't look so much like a model 1950's housewife and more like Cruella de'Vil.... 

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